Aivars Kaķītis
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Mehānikas un dizaina institūts - profesors; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
- T 14:00 - 15:30, TF 422. telpa
- C 09:00 - 10:00, TF 422. telpa
Studiju kursi
- Lauksaimniecības enerģētika
- Materiālu pretestība I
- Materiālu pretestība II
- Maģistra darbs IV
- Bakalaura darbs
- Dinamisku sistēmu modelēšana
- Sistēmu dinamikas modelēšana
- Mehatronikas sistēmas I
- Mehatronikas sistēmas II
- Mehatronikas sistēmas I
- Materiālu pretestība I
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Evaluation of the transverse strength of reed stalks / Olafs Vronskis, Aivars Kakitis, Imants Nulle, Mareks Smits
- Passenger minibus luggage compartment expansion mechanism / Jevgēnijs Hnikins, Aivars Kaķītis
- Impregnētā papīra testēšanas iekārtas modernizācija = Modernization of impregnated paper testing equipment / Jevgēnijs Jekimenkovs, Aivars Kaķītis
- Skaņas avota virziena noteikšana izmantojot digitālā signāla izvadi = Determining the direction of the sound source using digital signal output / Edgars Žulpa, zin. vad. Guntis Gailums, Aivars Kaķītis
- Studies of granules of various digestate and wood ash mixtures / Vilis Dubrovskis, Aleksandrs Adamovics, Imants Plume, Aivars Kakitis
- Biodiesel impact on diesel engine high pressure pump plunger pairs / Aivars Birkavs, Aivars Kakitis, Ilmars Dukulis
- Earthworm biohumus conditioning for pellet production / Olafs Vronskis, Aivars Kakitis, Egils Laukmanis, Imants Nulle
- Cutting energy assessment of hemp straw / Aivars Kakitis, Roberts Berzins, Uldis Berzins
- Evaluation of the hemp burning properties / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Aivars Kakitis
- Assessment of the equipment for conditioning of the energetic biomass / Janis Kjakste, Aivars Kakitis
- Cutting energy assessment of hemp fibres / Aivars Kakitis, Roberts Berzins, Uldis Berzins
- Assessment of combustion parameters of biomass mixtures / Aivars Kakitis, Imants Nulle, Martins Ozollapins, Janis Kjakste
- Evaluation of hemp straw and fibre strength / Roberts Berzins, Aivars Kakitis, Uldis Berzins, Janis Cukurs
- Experimental research of proximity sensors for application in mobile robotics in greenhouse environment / V. Osadcuks, A. Pecka, A. Lojans, A. Kakitis
- Evaluation of combustion properties of biomass mixtures / Aivars Kakitis, Dainis Ancans, Imants Nulle
- Stalk biomass drying rate evaluation at various layers and drying parameters / Martins Ozollapins, Aivars Kakitis, Imants Nulle
- Hemp fiber and shive coefficient of friction / Roberts Berzins, Aivars Kakitis, Uldis Berzins, Janis Cukurs
- Stalk biomass drying rate evaluation / Martins Ozollapins, Aivars Kakitis, Imants Nulle
- Belt feeder for biomass mixing / Aivars Kaķītis, Imants Nulle, Dainis Ancāns
- Productivity and tensile endurance determination of hemp fiber / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Aivars Kakitis
- Industrial hemp productivity and tensile endurance determine of hemp fiber / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Aivars Kakitis, Rasma Platace
- Parameters of stalk biomass cutter / Dainis Ancans, Aivars Kakitis, Imants Nulle
- Enerģētisko augu biomasas maisījumu kondicionēšana = Conditioning of energy crop biomass compositions / Dainis Ancāns, Jānis Dalbiņš, Aivars Kaķītis, Andris Kronbergs, Ēriks Kronbergs, Imants Nulle, Edgars Repša, Elgars Širaks, Mareks Šmits
- Evaluation of the biomass burning properties / D. Ancans, I. Nulle, A. Kakitis
- Influence of the particle parameters on the properties of biomass briquettes / Dainis Ancāns, Aivars Kaķītis, Imants Nulle
- Cutting properties of hemp fibre / Aivars Kakitis, Uldis Berzins, Roberts Berzins, Raitis Brencis
- Productivity and tensile endurance determine of hemp fiber / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Aivars Kakitis, Rudite Sausserde, Sergejs Zakrevskis
- Thermoelectric generators as alternate energy source in heating systems / Martins Ozollapins, Aivars Kakitis