Anda Zeidmane
Dr. paed.Amats
- Matemātikas un fizikas institūts - profesore (Emeritus); vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O
10:15 - 12:15, 211. vai 218. (pilī)
Sesijas laikā . Konsultācija Matemātikā . 14.01 - pārcelta uz 13.01 -
12:15 - 14:15, 218. (pilī)
Sesijas laikā . Konsultācija Fizikā . 14.01. konsultācija pārcelta uz 13.01.
10:15 - 12:15, 211. vai 218. (pilī)
- T
12:15 - 14:15, 218. (pilī)
Sesijas laikā . Konsultācija Fizikā . 14.01. konsultācija pārcelta uz 13.01. -
12:15 - 14:15, 218 (pilī)
Sesijas laikā . Konsultācija Fizikā .
12:15 - 14:15, 218. (pilī)
- C
10:15 - 12:15, 211. vai 218. (pilī)
Sesijas laikā . Konsultācija Matemātikā . 14.01 - pārcelta uz 13.01
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Factors influencing student initiative in effective mathematics studies at universities / Natalija Sergejeva, Anda Zeidmane
- Potential challenges and support mechanisms for students transitioning to university life / Liga Zvirgzdina, Anda Zeidmane, Natalija Sergejeva
- Main factors for improving the effectiveness of mathematics studies / Anda Zeidmane, Natalija Sergejeva
- Case study on the engineering academic staff needs and competencies in the context of sustainable development / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Digital competences of students for the implementation of remote studies / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- A case study of students' views on the digital skills needed for the labour market / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere.
- Challenges of transforming higher mathematics to remote teaching and learning due to Covid-19 lockdown / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane.
- Case study on the engineering academic staff needs and competencies in the context of sustainable development / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Challenges of transforming higher mathematics to remote teaching and learning due to Covid-19 lockdown / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane.
- Promotion of engineering skills using ICT in study process / Anda Zeidmane
- Evaluation of students' learning skills in mathematics at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies in sustainable development context / A. Zeidmane, T. Rubina
- The contribution of mathematics to the engineering education in the students' assessment / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Problems in development of problem solving skills of studying mathematics at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Sustainable mathematics education aspects for specialits for agronomy / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Ekoloģiskā pieeja medicīnas māsu izglītībā un veselības aprūpē : promocijas darba kopsavilkums pedagoģijas doktora (Dr.paed.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai augstskolas pedagoģijas apakšnozarē / Ruta Renigere ; [darba zinātniskais vadītājs Ludis Pēks ; darba zinātniskais konsultants Zaiga Priede-Kalniņš ; darba recenzenti: Irīna Maslo, Ilze Akota, Anda Zeidmane] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Tehniskā fakultāte. Izglītības un mājsaimniecības institūts = The ecological approach in nursing education and health care : synopsis of the doctoral thesis, in the subsector of university pedagogy, for the scientific degree of Dr. paed. / Ruta Renigere ; [scientific adviser Ludis Pēks ; scientific consultant Zaiga Priede-Kalniņš ; scientific reviewers: Irina Maslo, Ilze Akota, Anda Zeidmane] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Institute of Education and Home Economics.
- Opportunities of studying engineering in Latvia University of Agriculture with low basic knowledge in mathematics / Anda Zeidmane, Jelena Korolova
- Mathematics studies at university: effect on the professional competence / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Use of IT programs and tools for organizing independent studies in mathematics environment / Anda Zeidmane, Vita Duka
- Research in mathematical competence in engineers' professional activities / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Importance of theoretical knowledge in mathematics studies in engineering programs / Anda Zeidmane, Svetlana Atslega
- Students' perceptions on practical problem solving in mathematics in e-environment / Anda Zeidmane, Vita Duka
- Correlation between learning process during the semester and exam results in mathematics / Svetlana Atslega, Anda Zeidmane
- Use of IT programs and tools for organizing independent studies in mathematics environment / Anda Zeidmane, Vita Duka
- The comparing MathCad and Wolfram Alpha in the process of integration of some functions / Svetlana Atslēga, Anda Zeidmane
- Improvement of mathematics study programs in higher education institutions in context of Bologna declaration / A. Zeidmane
- Didactical aspects of organization of practical problem solving in mathematics in e-environment / Anda Zeidmane, Vita Duka
- Contemporary teaching and learning process in mathematics using mathematical software / Svetlana Atslega, Anda Zeidmane
- Didactic materials in higher mathematics [elektroniskais resurss] : basic concepts, basic rules, basic relationships, examples, exercices, self-solving tasks / Anda Zeidmane ; Latvia University of Agriculture.
- Indirect impact of mathematics in engineering education / Anda Zeidmane, Natalija Sergejeva
- Students’ perceptions on practical problem solving in mathematics in e-environment / Anda Zeidmane, Vita Duka
- Expression of national identity concept at Latvia University of Agriculture / Anda Zeidmane
- Role of mathematical modeling in engineering education of Latvia University of Agriculture / Vita Duka, Anda Zeidmane
- Perspectives of 1,4 - DHP - lipid molecular dynamics / Vita Duka, Cezary Czaplewski, Adam Liwo, Gunars Duburs, Inta Liepina, Anda Zeidmane
- Development of mathematics competences in higher education institutions / Anda Zeidmane
- Teaching methods "step by step" used in e-learning environment: use of links for multi-domain problem solving to provide practical application of mathematics / Anda Zeidmane, Nauris Paulins
- LATLIT project recommendations for improvements of mathematics study programs and their implementation by department of mathematics at LUA / Anda Zeidmane
- Use of links for multi-domain problem solving to provide practical application of mathematics / Anda Zeidmane, Nauris Paulins
- Improvement of mathematics study programs in higher education institutions in context of Bologna declaration / A. Zeidmane
- Use of links for multi-domain problem solving to provide practical application of mathematics / Anda Zeidmane, Nauris Pauliņš
- Implementing the practical application of mathematics in e-learning using multi-domain problem solving / Anda Zeidmane, Nauris Paulins
- Importance of mathematical modelling skills in engineering education for master and doctoral students of Latvia University of Agriculture / V. Duka, A. Zeidmane
- Development of mathematics competences in higher education institutions / A. Zeidmane
- Didactical aspects of organization of practical problem solving in mathematics in e-environment / A. Zeidmane
- Molecular modelling software elaboration and application in molecular system analysis / Vita Duka, Inta Liepina, Anda Zeidmane
- Importance of mathematical modelling skills in engineering education for master and doctoral degree students of Latvia University of Agriculture / A. Zeidmane, V. Duka
- E-environment impact on improving students’ english language knowledge at Latvia University of Agriculture = E-vides loma angļu valodas zināšanu pilnveidošanā Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātē / Inese Ozola, Anda Zeidmane
- The assessment aspects of e-learning courses at Latvia University of Agriculture / A. Zeidmane, I. Ozola, A. Zujevs
- English language studies as a stimulating factor for using the e-environment at the Latvia University of Agriculture / I. Ozola, A. Zeidmane
- Importance of math studies in engineering education in assessment of employers = Matematikos studijų svarba inžineriniame ugdyme: darbdavių vertinimas / Anda Zeidmane
- Importance of math studies in engineering education (Assessment of Employers) / Anda Zeidmane, Sarmite Cernajeva
- Interdisciplinary approach in engineering education / Anda Zeidmane, Sarmite Cernajeva
- Development of mathematical competencies in higher education institutions within socio-economical context [elektroniskais resurss] : methodical recommendations for lectures = Matematinių kompetencijų ugdymas aukštojoje mokykloje regiono socioekonominės raidos kontekste : metodinės rekomendacijos dėstytojams = Matemātikas kompetenču attīstība augstākās izglītības iestādēs sociāli ekonomiskajā kontekstā : metodiskie ieteikumi pasniedzējiem / Sigitas Balčiūnas, Renata Macaitienė, Eglė Virgailaitė-Mečkauskaitė, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane, Nauris Pauliņš
- Interdisciplinary approach in engineering education [elektroniskais resurss] / A. Zeidmane, S. Cernajeva
- Problems in professional English writing skills development for students of engineering sciences / Irina Orlova, Anda Zeidmane
- Intelligent use of energy in engineeering education / Anda Zeidmane, Inese Ozola
- The usage of Ortus WEB site in the RTU studies of mathematics / Anda Zeidmane, Sarmite Cernajeva
- Didaktiskie materiāli augstākajā matemātikā [elektroniskais resurss] : pamatjēdzieni, pamatlikumi, pamatsakarības : kopsavilkums / sast. Anda Zeidmane.
- Method of study modules in higher mathematics studies / Zeidmane Anda, Vintere Anna.
- How best to educate the future engineers / Larisa Malinovska, Silvija Štrausa, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Information technologies step into new scientific areas / E. Stalidzāns, I. Arhipova, U. Iljins, L. Paura, A. Vintere, A. Zeidmane, A. Zujevs, R. Ozoliņš, P. Rivža
- Promoting digital inclusion in rural areas of Latvia / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Usage of ICT in the learning process / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere, Ilze Jēgere
- Mehānika : Pamatjēdzieni. Pamatlikumi. Uzdevumu risināšanas algoritmi : metodiskie materiāli / Anda Zeidmane ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Fizikas katedra.
- Inženierizglītības attīstības tendences = Developing tendencies of the engineering education / A. Vintere, A. Zeidmane
- Vision on the role of ICT in universities / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Information culture in engineering education / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Mācībspēku jaunās kompetences = New competences for the faculties / Larisa Maļinovska, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- New competences for the faculties / Larisa Maļinovska, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- The development of mathematics and physics studies' process in LUA / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Information technology in forming cognitive skills / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Science education teaching methods for development of cognitive skills / Anda Zeidmane
- Content and language integrated learning at the Latvia University of Agriculture / Larisa Malinovska, Anda Zeidmane, Anete Mezote
- Content and language integrated learning - improvement of study process / Larisa Malinovska, Anda Zeidmane, Anete Mezote