Anna Vintere
Mg. math.Amats
- Matemātikas un fizikas institūts - pasniedzēja; zinātniskā asistente (56)
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P
13:30 - 15:15, Pilī, 216.kab./217.aud.
Pieteikties, rakstot uz -
14:30 - 15:15, Pilī, 216./217.telpa
Pieteikties, rakstot uz
13:30 - 15:15, Pilī, 216.kab./217.aud.
- O
13:30 - 15:15, Pilī, 216./217.telpa
Pieteikties, rakstot uz -
14:30 - 15:15, Pilī, 216./217.telpa
Pieteikties, rakstot uz
13:30 - 15:15, Pilī, 216./217.telpa
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- AI-based mathematics learning platforms in undergraduate engineering studies: analyses of user experiences / Anna Vintere, Elena Safiulina, Olga Panova
- The impact of Covid-19 on the emotional and psychological well-being of students / Ieva Brazauskaite-Zubaviciene, Anna Vintere
- A study on the mental health on the post-pandemic generation of engineering students to ensure the resilience of the study process / Anna Vintere, Ilze Balode.
- Case Study on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Undergraduate Engineering Mathematics Studies to Reduce Mathematics Learning Difficulties
- Dārgi uzbūvētais ir jākopj : [par pārdzīvoto dabas stihiju savu viedokli izsaka LBTU pasniedzēja, pētniece Anna Vintere] / Gaitis Grūtups
- Exploring ai-based mathematics learning platforms and applications / E. Safiulina, A. Vintere, O. Panova
- Klimata iniciatīva "Zonta saka TAGAD" / Annas Vinteres redakcija.
- How to boost emotional intelligence / Anna Vintere
- Comparative study on the impact of Covid-19 on emotional well-being in the workplace / Anna Vintere, Inga Bartusevičienė, Eve Aruvee, Daiva Rimkuviene
- Matemātikas mācīšana skolēniem ar diskalkuliju un matemātikas trauksmi : rokasgrāmata matemātikas skolotājiem / redaktors Anna Vintere; Margita Jirgensone, Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Antra Dunce, Inga Greblikienė, Ana Nojkovska, Silviu Daniel Brebulet, María de Carmen Granados Rico, Umut Barıs Celebioglu
- Study on the training to improve employees' emotional well-being at workplace / Anna Vintere
- Teaching math to students with dyscalculia and mathematics anxiety : manual for math teachers / editor Anna Vintere; Margita Jirgensone, Sarmīte Čerņejeva, Antra Dunce, Inga Greblikienė, Ana Nojkovska, Silviu Daniel Brebulet, María de Carmen Granados Rico, Umut Barıs Celebioglu
- Dealing with anxiety during a pandemic to enhance adult well-being : teaching materials / Inga Bartusevičienė, Maria Carrera Arce, Rasa Dauguvietytė, Algimantas Dugnas, Mindaugas Geryba, Kadri Koha, Kristina Martinavičiutė, Anna Vintere
- Overcoming mathematical anxiety to promote progress in mathematics during undergraduate engineering studies at university / Eve Arevee, Anna Vintere
- Kā uzlabot emocionālo inteliģenci / Anna Vintere
- Pandēmijas laika radītās trauksmes pārvarēšana pieaugušo labklājības uzlabošanai : mācību materiāli latviešu valodā / redaktors Anna Vintere, Inga Bartusevičienė, Maria Carrera Arce, Rasa Dauguvietytė, Algimantas Dugnas, Mindaugas Geryba, Kadri Koha, Kristina Martinavičiutė
- Comparative study on remote mathematics studies at two technical universities in Latvia / Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Anna Vintere
- Pārskats par mērķa grupas vajadzību analīzi : aptaujas rezultātu analīze / Annas Vinteres redakcijā
- Problems that children experience in parental divorce/ Anna Vintere, Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė.
- Use of ICT in mathematics studies to develop digital skills of undergraduate engineering students / Eve Aruvee, Anna Vintere
- Ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķi pieaugušo izglītībā / Anna Vintere.
- Empātija – spēja "ekāpt cita kurpēs" / Anna Vintere.
- Emocionālā pārvaldība iesācējiem: soli pa solim līdz emocionālajai noturībai : rokasgrāmata. Annas Vinteres redakcijā
- Case study of personal and professional qualities of adult educators / Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė, Anna Vintere
- Self-organized teachers learning to overcome the challenges of remote studies / Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Anna Vintere
- Narrative study on two math learning disorders: dyscalculia and mathematics anxiety / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva.
- Methods of working with children to overcome parental divorce : metodology for using informal activities developed within Nodplus Project NPJR-2020/10280 / Anna Vintere, Elita Rītere, Rūta Ločmele, Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė, Erika Aleknavičienė, Akvilė Rastauskė, Svetlana Ridala, Yulia Usova, Regina Shepetya-Larsson
- Using e-study materials to promote mathematics self-learning at university / Anna Vintere, Čerņajeva Sarmīte, Gošteine Vera.
- Jelgavas Zonta klubs par labāku pasauli sievietēm un meitenēm jau 25 gadus / B. Rivžas un A. Vinteres redakcijā.
- A comparative study of the organization of a remote mathematics study process during the Covid-19 pandemic / Anna Vintere, Eve Aruvee, Daiva Rimkuviene
- Factors determining the student’s prior mathematical experience / Anna Vintere, Līga Zvirgzdiņa.
- Adult non-formal cooperative learning during international education projects activities / Anna Vintere, Ieva Brazauskaite-Zubaviciene
- Textbook for foundations of advanced mathematics / Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Anna Vintere
- A study of empathy as the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others / Vintere, A.
- Stress un kā to pārvarēt / Anna Vintere.
- A case study of stressful situations during the COVID-19 pandemic / T. Rubina, A. Vintere
- A study on learning difficulties related to dyscalculia and mathematical anxiety / Anna Vintere
- Case study on the digital learning in adult education during the COVID-19 pandemic / Anna Vintere.
- Digital competences of students for the implementation of remote studies / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- A comparative study on the environmental behavior of engineering students / Anna Vintere, Eve Aruvee, Daiva Rimkuvienė
- E-learning challenges from the students' point of view / Daiva Rimkuvienė, Anna Vintere, Eve Aruvee
- Challenges and benefits of remote learning in context of competence development of engineering students during Covid-19 pandemic / Anna Vintere, Eve Aruvee, Daiva Rimkuviene
- Case study on the engineering academic staff needs and competencies in the context of sustainable development / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- A case study of students' views on the digital skills needed for the labour market / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere.
- Case study on sustainable attitude for environment in adult education / Anna Vintere
- Sociālo darbinieku un riskam pakļauto jauniešu personīgo finanšu pārvaldības vajadzības / Anna Vintere.
- Sociālo darbinieku un riskam pakļauto jauniešu personīgo finanšu pārvaldības vajadzības = Personal financial management needs of social workers and young people at risk / Anna Vintere
- Challenges to provide remote training in adult education due to Covid-19 lockdown / Anna Vintere.
- English vocabulary enrichment in non-formal adult education during international non-language training courses / Inese Ozola, Anna Vintere
- Mathematics education development in line with the trends of sustainable development: Experience within the "MATnet" / Anna Vntere, Renata Macaitiene
- Revisiting group work method in the context of non-formal education / Anna Vintere, Inese Ozola
- English vocabulary enrichment in non-formal adult education during international non-language training courses / Inese Ozola, Anna Vintere
- Challenges of transforming higher mathematics to remote teaching and learning due to Covid-19 lockdown / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane.
- A comparative study of pedagogical approaches in mathematics to develop competencies for sustainable development / Vintere Anna, Macaitiene Renata
- Case study on the engineering academic staff needs and competencies in the context of sustainable development / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Case study on sustainable environmental behavior in engineering education / Anna Vintere
- A comparative study on the environmental behavior of engineering students / Anna Vintere, Eve Aruvee, Daiva Rimkuviene
- Challenges of transforming higher mathematics to remote teaching and learning due to Covid-19 lockdown / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane.
- Mācību programma bērniem, kas pakļauti riskam, balstītu uz mākslu un drāmas metodi / red. Anna Vintere, Nataļja Vronska
- International cooperation to transform the study course "Mathematics for economists" for building of the competences necessary for sustainable development / A. Vintere
- Gadījumu pētījums par pieaugušo problēmu risināšanas prasmju uzlabošanu = Case study on the improvement of adult problem-solving skills / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva.
- Case study on development of mathematical competence of forest specialties students / Anna Vintere, Līga Zvirgzdiņa
- Development of the ability to deal with and manage mathematical language and tools in the course "Mathematics for economists" / Anna Vintere
- Case study on competence based approach in course "Mathematics for economists" / Anna Vintere
- Methodical background of competence-based mathematics education for students of information technologies specialities / Anna Vintere, Baiba Briede.
- Professional foreign language competence for successful integration into the labour market / Anna Vintere, Inese Ozola, Santa Krumina
- Pedagogical approaches to teaching mathematics for building analytical, problem solving skills and critical thinking / Anna Vintere.
- A case of competence building - international student scientific mathematics olympiad / Anna Vintere, Cernajeva Sarmite
- Mācību programma un metodiskie materiāli problēmu risināšanas prasmju attīstīšanai personas veiktspējas sekmēšanai / red. Anna Vintere
- Curriculum and methodological materials to promote problem-solving skills for individuals to improve personal resilience / editor Anna Vintere
- Methodology for using art and drama method in work with students at risk / Editors Anna Vintere, Nataļja Vronska.
- Curriculum for children at risk based on art drama / editors Anna Vintere, Nataļja Vronska.
- Mācību programma bērniem, kas pakļauti riskam, balstītu uz mākslu un drāmas metodi / red. Anna Vintere, Nataļja Vronska
- International cooperation to transform the study course "Mathematics for Economists" for building of the competences necessary for sustainable development / Anna Vintere.
- The importance of mathematics studies in engineering education in the assessment of employers / A. Vintere, S. Cernajeva
- Metodika mākslas un drāmas metodes izmantošanai darbā ar riska grupas skolēniem / red. Anna Vintere, tehn. red. Nataļja Vronska
- Comparative study on the needs of economics specialists in mathematical education in Latvia and Lithuania / Anna Vintere, Macaitienė Renata.
- Pedagogical approaches to problem solving in higher education / Anna Vintere
- LLU and RTU students' self-assessment of the mathematical competence / Anna Vintere.
- Study on engineering students experience in mathematics learning in context of sustainable development / Anna Vintere
- Factors influencing the development of mathematical studies at the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies / Anna Vintere
- On the support for first year students to master mathematics' basic level / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva.
- On the support for first year students to master mathematics' basic level / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva.
- Framework for transformation of the mathematics education into education for sustainable development = Ramy koncepcyjne dla przekształcenia nauczania matematyki zgodnie z zasadami edukacji na rzecz trwałego rozwoju / Anna Vintere.
- Mathematical competence in the context of sustainable development: findings within the employers and students comparative study / Anna Vintere, Evija Kopeika.
- Prior mathematical experience of Forest faculty students’s in the context of sustainable development / Anna Vintere, Liga Zvirgzdina, Baiba Briede
- Case study on competence-based mathematics studies in different professional fields: civil engineering, energetics and information technologies / A. Vintere
- Changes in the attitude towards the potential values of mathematics in relation to the human life cycles / A. Vintere, E. Kopeika
- Case study on the role of specialists' mathematical competence in the sustainable development of society / Anna Vintere, Baiba Briede.
- A constructivist approach to the teaching of mathematics to boost competences needed for sustainable development / Anna Vintere
- Comparative study of teaching mathematics in two universities in Latvia / Evija Kopeika, Anna Vintere
- Study on the factors contributing to the motivation of mathematical studies at the university / Anna Vintere
- Mathematical competence enhancement motivation enabling to improve personal resilience / A. Vintere
- The theatre and games in the teaching process / Evija Kopeika, Anna Vintere
- Support measures to implement education for sustainable development strategy at the universities in Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus / Anna Vintere, Daiva Rimkuvienė, Aliaksej Sysa.
- Mathematics as potential for the person's resilience / Evija Kopeika, Anna Vintere
- Mathematical competences and competence-based mathematics learning for sustainable development / Anna Vintere
- Elementārās matemātikas pamati : mācību līdzeklis / Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Anna Vintere
- Personīgo finanšu vadība. Rokasgrāmata sociālajiem darbiniekiem / Anna Vintere, Giedrė Balkytė, Liucija Budrienė, Rėda Liniauskaitė, Sabina Jurkaitienė, Audronė Meškelienė, Arvo Kontkar
- Mathematics as potential for the person's resilience / Evija Kopeika, Anna Vintere
- Mathematical competences and competence-based mathematics learning for sustainable development in rural areas / Anna Vintere
- Comparative study on adult mathematical competence in Baltic States in the context of sustainable development / Ilze Balode, Anna Vintere, Daiva Rimkuvienė, Eve Aruvee
- Personal finance management: handbook for social workers / Anna Vintere, Giedrė Balkytė, Liucija Budrienė, Rėda Liniauskaitė, Sabina Jurkaitienė, Audronė Meškelienė, Arvo Kontkar.
- On the support for first year students to master mathematics' Basic Level / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva.
- Implementation of the education for sustainable development strategy at Latvia University of Agriculture through stakeholder cooperation / Anna Vintere.
- Adult mathematical competence in the context of sustainable development: case of Baltic States / Ilze Balode, Anna Vintere, Daiva Rimkuvienė, Eve Aruvee.
- Implementation of the education for sustainable development strategy in mathematics education through stakeholder cooperation / Anna Vintere.
- Mācību līdzeklis augstākās matemātikas pamatu apguvei / Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Anna Vintere
- Agrometrics network over the years / Ilze Jēgere, Anna Vintere
- Vadlīnijas karjeras konsultācijās un profesionālajā orientācijā / Florentina Steluta Ciomaga, Gregory Makrides, Anna Vintere ; no angļu valodas tulkojusi Ilze Laurinaite
- Karjeras konsultāciju un profesionālās orientācijas metodoloģija / Bicoiu Laura Mara, Makrides Gregory, Anna Vintere ; no angļu valodas tulkojusi Ilze Laurinaite
- Math education role in the society sustainable development / Anna Vintere.
- X Baltijas-Ziemeļvalstu Agrometrikas konference "Matemātika un statistika sabiedrības ilgtspējīgai attīstībai" / Anna Vintere
- Analysis of the math diagnostic tests' results / Liene Strupule, Anna Vintere
- Mēģinājums darba meklētājiem : skolotāja materiāls : balstīts uz starptautisku eksperimentālā darba pieredzi / sagatavoja: Virginija Skučaité-Budriené un Rimanta Vaičekonyté ; izdevums latviešu valodā Annas Vinteres redakcijā.
- X Baltic-Nordic Agrometrics conference: mathematics and statistics for the sustainable development / Anna Vintere.
- International math olympiads role in building professional and social competences / Anna Vintere, Ilze Jēgere
- International math olympiads role in building professional and social competences [elektroniskais resurss] / Anna Vintere, Ilze Jegere
- Teaching of Mathematics to Non-Mathematicians Using Moodle [elektroniskais resurss] / Daiva Rimkuviene, Janina Kaminskiene, Anna Vintere, Eve Aruvee
- Engineers' mathematics education in the context of sustainable development / Anna Vintere, Baiba Briede
- Comparative analysis of the career guidance needs in the Baltic Countries / Anna Vintere, Ilze Balode
- Pieaugušo matemātikas prasmes un to sekmēšana Baltijas valstu iedzīvotāju un darba devēju vērtējumā = Adult math skills and its promotion in the Baltic States: citizens and employers assessment / Anna Vintere, Ilze Balode
- Study on mathematical literacy in the context of the household welfare / Ilze Balode, Anna Vintere
- How to challenge an adult to teach an adult : Nordplus Adult AD_2012_1a28886 / Dangiras Kačinskas, Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė, Olga Zaborskienė, Anna Vintere, Santa Krumina, Dzintra Riekstina, Tommy Nilson, Anita Puste, Jelena Korolova, Sarmite Cernajeva, Natalja Vronska.
- Izaicinājumi darbā ar pieaugušajiem: situāciju analīze Latvijā = Challenges in work with adults: the situation analysis in Latvia / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Jelena Koroļova
- Kā sekmēt iedzīvotāju matemātikas prasmes : Latvija-Lietuva-Igaunija, 2014 : rokasgrāmata pieaugušo izglītotājiem / Anna Vintere, Rasa Dauguvietyte, Kristina Martinavičiutė, Olga Wolf, Veranika Shchura
- How to strengthen citizens' math skills : Latvia-Lithuania-Estonia, 2014 : guide for adult educators / Anna Vintere, Rasa Dauguvietye, Kristina Martinavičiute, Olga Wolf, Veranika Shchura
- Scientific mathematics olympiads: approach to the issue / Anna Vintere
- Results of the transnational comparative study on the math educational needs in Baltic States / Anna Vintere, Daiva Rimkuvienė, Eve Aruvee, Erge Ideon
- Findings within the Nordplus project on the citizens' math skills / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Černajeva
- Theoretical framework of the research / Sarmite Cernajeva, Anna Vintere
- General information on the research / Anna Vintere
- Mathematics studies at university: effect on the professional competence / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Research in mathematical competence in engineers' professional activities / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Seniors' perspectives on the learning and using ICT: findings within the project AWAKE / Anna Vintere, Evija Kopeika
- Mathematics education process improvement through cooperation: experience of Latvia University of Agriculture / Anna Vintere
- Educational needs and expectations of people over 50 : final report / [authors: Anna Vintere, Natalija Vronska, Ilze Balode, Evija Kopeika, Sarmīte Cernajeva; editors: Anna Vintere, Natalija Vronska] ; Education and Culture DG. Lifelong Learning Programme ; AWAKE, Aging With Active Knowledge and Experience.
- Effective language learning : project book / Vitali Samoiljuk, Anna Vintere, Loreta Golubevaite
- Households with internet access in Latvia and Lithuania: similarities and differences / Daiva Rimkuvienė, Anna Vintere
- Jaunie izaicinājumi pieaugušo izglītotājiem = New challenges for adult educators / Anna Vintere
- Methodological background of the mathematics study programs assessment / Anna Vintere, Renata Macaitiene
- Efektīva valodu apguve : projekta grāmata / Vitali Samoiljuk, Anna Vintere, Loreta Golubevaite, Agnė Bliuvaitė, Rasa Žilionė
- Methodology to meet common guideline in mathematics for Baltic States / Anna Vintere
- Baltic network in Agrometrics – one year’s experience / Anna Vintere, Daiva Rimkuvienė, Eve Arevee
- The use of ICT in mathematics studies - Baltic States' experience / Anna Vintere, Eve Arevee, Daiva Rimkuviene
- Research on attitudes towards teaching mathematics / Anna Vintere, Valts Vinters, Linda Butane
- LUA attainments within MATNET/ Anna Vintere
- The management of technology enhanced study process development at LUA / Anna Vintere
- The motivation of the academic staff / Anna Vintere
- The management of technology enhanced study process development at LUA / Anna Vintere
- Development of mathematical competencies in higher education institutions within socio-economical context [elektroniskais resurss] : methodical recommendations for lectures = Matematinių kompetencijų ugdymas aukštojoje mokykloje regiono socioekonominės raidos kontekste : metodinės rekomendacijos dėstytojams = Matemātikas kompetenču attīstība augstākās izglītības iestādēs sociāli ekonomiskajā kontekstā : metodiskie ieteikumi pasniedzējiem / Sigitas Balčiūnas, Renata Macaitienė, Eglė Virgailaitė-Mečkauskaitė, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane, Nauris Pauliņš
- Mathematics syllabus development for engineers in LUA / Anna Vintere
- Information technologies step into new scientific areas / E. Stalidzāns, I. Arhipova, U. Iljins, L. Paura, A. Vintere, A. Zeidmane, A. Zujevs, R. Ozoliņš, P. Rivža
- Changing the education culture through technology / Anna Vintere, Larisa Maļinovska
- Some important points of the implementation of technology - enhanced curricula / Anna Vintere
- Method of study modules in higher mathematics studies / Zeidmane Anda, Vintere Anna.
- How best to educate the future engineers / Larisa Malinovska, Silvija Štrausa, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Changes based on information communication technology / Anna Vintere
- Vision on the role of ICT in universities / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Usage of ICT in the learning process / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere, Ilze Jēgere
- Information culture in engineering education / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Promoting digital inclusion in rural areas of Latvia / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Changes in the society and in teaching mathematics / Anna Vintere
- Education of engineers in the conditions of information society / Anna Vintere
- Education in the conditions of information society = Izglītība informācijas sabiedrības apstākļos / Anna Vintere
- Inženierizglītības attīstības tendences = Developing tendencies of the engineering education / A. Vintere, A. Zeidmane
- New competences for the faculties / Larisa Maļinovska, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- Informācijas tehnoloģijas veselības aprūpē = ICT in the health care / Evija Kopeika, Anna Vintere
- The development of mathematics and physics studies' process in LUA / Anda Zeidmane, Anna Vintere
- Information technology in forming cognitive skills / Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- The development of mathematics studies' process in LUA / Anna Vintere, Aivars Āboltiņš
- Mācībspēku jaunās kompetences = New competences for the faculties / Larisa Maļinovska, Anna Vintere, Anda Zeidmane
- LLU akadēmiskā personāla profesionālo kompetenču paaugstināšana datu apstrādes tehnoloģijās / A. Āboltiņš, A. Vintere
- The management of educational processes of mathematics / A. Vintere, S. Cernajeva, I. Jegere
- Informācijas komunikāciju tehnoloģijas iedzīvotāju ikdienā Latvijas reģionos / A. Vintere, V. Bogdanovs
- The improvement of data processing competences of the academical personnel of Latvia University of Agriculture = Latvijos žemės ūkio universiteto akademinio personalo sugebėjimo apdoroti duomenis tobulinimas / Aivars Āboltiņš, Anna Vintere
- Информационные технологии в высшем образовании = Information communication technologies in the higher education / А. Винтере, Г. Страдиня, Э. Копейка
- Changes based on information communication technology / A. Vintere, E. Kopeika, V. Bogdanovs
- The management of educational processes of mathematics / Anna Vintere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Ilze Jēgere
- Informācijas komunikāciju tehnoloģijas augstākajā izglītībā / A. Vintere
- Pedagogu profesionālo kompetenču paaugstināšana / Anna Vintere, Ilze Jēgere, Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Evija Kopeika
- Informācijas komunikāciju tehnoloģijas iedzīvotāju ikdienā Latvijas reģionos / Evija Kopeika, Anna Vintere