Gatis Vītols
Dr. sc. ing.Amati
- Rektorāts - zinātņu prorektors
- Datoru sistēmu un datu zinātnes institūts - profesors; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
- C
16:30 - 18:00, Lielā iela 2, 189.telpa
vēlams iepriekš pieteikties pa e-pastu
Studiju kursi
- Datu bāzu tehnoloģijas II
- Lielās datu bāzes II
- Bakalaura darbs
- Sistēmu analīze, modelēšana un projektēšana
- Skaitļošanas ilgtspēja
- Digitālie risinājumi lauksaimniecībā
- Bakalaura darbs II
- Bakalaura darbs II
- Maģistra darbs
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Applying text analytics methodology to analyze project reports / Irina Arhipova, Liga Paura, Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Vladimirs Salajevs, Aldis Erglis, Gundars Berzins, Evija Ansonska
- Public educational institutions' websites compliance with Latvian web regulations / Ilva Siliniece, Gatis Vītols
- A zoom-in process mining based analysis model for document workflows / Juris Rāts, Inguna Pede, Tatjana Rubina, Gatis Vītols
- Applying text analytics methodology to analyze project reports / Irina Arhipova, Liga Paura, Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Vladimirs Salajevs, Aldis Erglis, Gundars Berzins, Evija Ansonska
- Mixed-reality topics for course curriculum: current state and future perspectives / Gatis Vitols, Agnese Pogozelska
- Smart poultry management platform with egg production forecast capabilities / Nikolajs Bumanis, Armands Kviesis, Anastasija Tjukova, Irina Arhipova, Liga Paura, Gatis Vitols
- Air quality in computer laboratories: CO2 sensor solutions / Ginters Pēlmanis, Gatis Vitols
- Optimizing transport network to reduce municipality mobility budget / Irina Arhipova, Nikolajs Bumanis, Liga Paura, Gundars Berzins, Aldis Erglis, Gatis Vitols, Evija Ansonska, Vladimirs Salajevs, Juris Binde
- Municipal transport route planning based on fair mobility budget / Irina Arhipova, Nikolajs Bumanis, Liga Paura, Gundars Berzins, Aldis Erglis, Christian Rudloff, Gatis Vitols, Evija Ansonska, Vladimirs Salajevs, Juris Binde
- Designing spatial data management course based on spatial data infrastructure for non-ict background students / Jurijs Holms, Gatis Vitols
- Data fusion of video and LiDAR traffic surveillance data: practical assessment of implemented solution in Jelgava city / Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Inga Meirane
- Ģeotelpiskās informācijas infrastruktūras īstenošana : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātnes doktora (Ph.D.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai elektrotehnikas, elektronikas, informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģiju nozarē = Implementation of Geospatial Information Infrastructure : summary of the doctoral thesis for the scientific degree doctor of science (Ph.D.) / Jurijs Hoļms ; darba zinātniskais vadītājs Gatis Vītols ; darba zinātniskā konsultante Irina Arhipova ; oficiālie recenzenti: Juris Borzovs, Jānis Kaminskis, PhD.Eng. Mircea Risteiu ; Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte. Informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte. Datoru sistēmu katedra.
- Ģeotelpiskās informācijas infrastruktūras īstenošana = Implementation of Geospatial Information Infrastructure : promocijas darbs zinātnes doktora (Ph.D.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai elektrotehnikas, elektronikas, informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģiju nozarē / Jurijs Hoļms ; darba vadītājs Gatis Vītols ; darba konsultante Irina Arhipova ; Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte. Informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte. Datoru sistēmu katedra.
- Evaluation and association of laying hen performance, environmental conditions and gas concentrations in barn housing system / Liga Paura, Irina Arhipova, Liga Jankovska, Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Mihails Adjutovs
- Data conceptual model for smart poultry farm management system / Nikolajs Bumanis, Irina Arhipova, Liga Paura, Gatis Vitols, Liga Jankovska
- Machine learning methods for classification of sensitive data / Gints Rudusans, Gatis Vitols
- Multi-object tracking for urban and multilane traffic: building blocks for real-world application / Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Egons Solmanis
- LiDAR and camera data for smart urban traffic monitoring: challenges of automated data capturing and synchronization / Gatis Vitols, Nikolajs Bumanis, Irina Arhipova, Inga Meirane
- Automated sentiment analysis and emotion recognition for appropriate audio recommendation in online interaction environments / G. Vitols, M.Y. Chan
- Smart platform designed to improve poultry productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions / Irina Arhipova, Gatis Vitols, Liga Paura, Liga Jankovska
- A flexible model for enterprise document capturing automation / J. Rāts, I. Pede, T. Rubina, G. Vītols
- A machine learning based framework for enterprise document classification / Juris Rāts, Inguna Pede, Tatjana Rubina, Gatis Vītols
- Long period re-identification approach to improving the quality of education: a preliminary study / Irina Arhipova, Gatis Vitols, Inga Meirane
- Children face long-term identification in classroom: prototype proposal / Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Inga Meirane
- Deep learning solution for children long-term identification / Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Inga Meirane
- Eye tracking solution for undergraduate curriculum of landscape architecture / A. Klavina, G. Vitols, A. Kviesis
- Engineering study program compliance evaluation to guidelines for software engineering curriculum / Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Liga Paura
- Comparison of 3D scanning technologies / Edijs Žvagiņš, Gatis Vītols
- Programmētāju konkurētspējas pašnovērtēšanas metodika mūžizglītības un profesionālās pašattīstības kontekstā = Self-evaluation methodology of programmers' competitiveness in the context of lifelong education and professional self-development / Edgars Katans, Irēna Katane, Gatis Vītols
- Relationship between spatial datasets and assessments of mapped ecosystem services indicators / Jurijs Holms, Irina Arhipova, Gatis Vitols
- Impact of culture dimensions model on cross-cultural website development / Gatis Vitols, Yukako Vitols-Hirata
- E-waste management and policies in Latvia / Ilva Siliniece, Gatis Vitols
- Query performance tuning using MS SQL and ORACLE DB servers / Dmitrijs Ozerskis, Gatis Vītols
- Impact of culture dimensions model on cross-cultural website development / Gatis Vitols, Yukako Vitols-Hirata
- Effect of social and gender factors to ICT lifelong learning motivation / L. Paura, I. Arhipova, G. Vitols
- Programming skills gap reduction by extramural school development: university success case study in Latvia / Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Liga Paura
- Linking environmental data models to ecosystem services’ indicators for strategic decision making / Jurijs Holms, Irina Arhipova, Gatis Vitols
- Linking environmental data models to ecosystem services’ indicators for strategic decision making / Jurijs Holms, Irina Arhipova, Gatis Vitols
- Transaction document management: case study of international passenger carrier / Vladimirs Salajevs, Gatis Vitols, Nikolajs Bumanis, Irina Arhipova
- Transaction document management: case study of international passenger carrier / Vladimirs Salajevs, Gatis Vitols, Nikolajs Bumanis, Irina Arhipova
- Developing study course materials for foreign students: culture marker model application and preference extraction automation / G. Vitols, I. Ivanova, Y. Hirata
- Use of NoSQL technology for analysis of unstructured spatial data / Monta Poļakova, Gatis Vītols
- An overview of data from datasets registered in Latvian spatial metadata catalogue / Jurijs Holms, Gatis Vitols
- Evaluation of student dropout rate and reasons during the study / Liga Paura, Irina Arhipova, Gatis Vitols
- Ecosystem provisioning services automated valuation process model for sustainable land management / Jurijs Holms, Irina Arhipova, Ildiko Tulbure, Gatis Vitols
- Latvian spatial metadata catalogue’ content and summary for referenced spatial data sets and services / Jurijs Holms, Gatis Vitols
- Development of classroom microclimate monitoring system / Armands Kviesis, Amanda Klavina, Gatis Vitols
- “Glocalization” strategy in website design / Iveta Ivanova, Gatis Vītols
- Cluster computing solutions for big data management / Arvis Lācis, Gatis Vītols
- Methods for analysis of big spatial data / Monta Poļakova, Gatis Vītols
- Comparison of cross-platform mobile development environments / Mārtiņš Štāls, Gatis Vītols
- Comparative analysis of higher education study programs' quality, efficiency and effectiveness / Irina Arhipova, Liga Paura, Janis Eiduks, Gatis Vitols
- Mobile ticket lifecycle management: case study of public transport in Latvia / Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Ivars Mozga
- Generation and transportation of transaction documents using payment infrastructure / Gatis Vītols, Nikolajs Būmanis, Irina Arhipova
- Generation and transportation of transaction documents using payment infrastructure / Gatis Vitols, Nikolajs Bumanis, Irina Arhipova
- Solution for sound playback delay on android devices / Dmitrijs Zigunovs, Jekaterina Smirnova, Gatis Vitols, Gintautas Stonys
- Procedure for testing Jelgava school websites on mobile devices using GoPro head camera / Jekaterina Smirnova, Gatis Vitols
- Comparison of attributive and spatial filtering approaches to retrieve massive datasets through web feature services, avoiding limitation on feature count per request / J. Holms, G. Vitols
- Multi-payment solution for smartlet applications / G. Vitols, N. Bumanis, J. Smirnova, V. Salajevs, I. Arhipova, I. Smits
- Multi-application smartcard implementation solution for city public transportation / Jekaterina Smirnova, Gatis Vitols
- Colour extraction and analysis solution for design of cross-cultural websites / Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Yukako Hirata, Ilvars Ikarts
- Service oriented solution for managing smartlets / Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols, Ingus Smits, Jekaterina Smirnova, Irina Arhipova, Vladimirs Salajevs
- Issues of Hybrid Mobile Application Development with PhoneGap: a Case Study of Insurance Mobile Application / Gatis Vītols, Ingus Šmits, Aleksejs Zacepins
- Case study of vehicle parking mobile payment application: data storage and synchronization solution / Jekaterina Smirnova, Nikolajs Bumanis, Gatis Vitols
- Cultural preference identification for cross-cultural website design / Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Yukako Hirata
- Starpkulturālu tīmekļa informācijas sistēmu projektēšana : promocijas darbs doktora grāda ieguvei informācijas tehnoloģiju nozarē ( / Gatis Vītols ; promocijas darba zinātniskā vadītāja Irina Arhipova ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte. Vadības sistēmu katedra.
- Starpkulturālu tīmekļa informācijas sistēmu projektēšana : promocijas darba kopsavilkums grāda ieguvei informācijas tehnoloģiju nozarē / Gatis Vītols ; [promocijas darba zinātniskais vadītājs Irina Arhipova] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte. Vadības sistēmu katedra = Cross-cultural Web information system design : summary of the thesis for acquiring Doctoral degree in the field of Information Technologies / Gatis Vītols ; [scientific adviser Irina Arhipova] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Information Technologies. Department of Control Systems.
- Culture colour preferences for cross-cultural website design / Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova, Yukako Hirata
- Antagonistic activity of probiotics and its glycopeptides against Staphylococcus spp. / G. Gulbe, A. Valdovska, A. Jemeljanovs, G. Vitols
- Tīmekļa informācijas sistēmu pieejamības izvērtēšana un uzlabošana ar iezīmju valodas iespējām = Web information system accessibility improvement with markup language possibilities / G. Vītols, I. Arhipova
- Role of web browsing layout engine evaluation in development process of more usable web information system / Gatis Vitols, Irina Arhipova
- Design method analysis of Web information system for people with disabilities / Gatis Vitols
- Design guidelines of WEB information systems for people with disabilities / Gatis Vitols