Imants Plūme
Mg. sc. ing.Amats
- Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts - lektors
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O
16:00 - 17:00, TF, 310. telpa
tel. 28801087
Studiju kursi
- Bakalaura darbs
- Lauksaimniecības objektu energoapgāde
- Enerģētikas inženierdarba organizācija
- Vispārīgā elektrotehnika
- Elektrotehniskie materiāli
- Maģistra darbs IV
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Biomethane production from pellets of horse manure and litter mixture / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Biogas potential from biodiesel production residues / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Statistical modelling of influence of input and output parameters on energy efficiency of agricultural biogas plants in Latvia / L. Plume, I. Plume
- Production of biogas from grass at various pre-treatment and anaerobic fermentation temperatures under influence of magnetic field / Imants Plume, Eduards Azits, Vilis Dubrovskis, Lauris Plume
- Granulation of digestate and wood ash mixtures / V. Dubrovskis, A. Adamovičs, I. Plume
- Granulation of digestate and wood ash mixtures / V. Dubrovskis, A. Adamovičs, I. Plume
- Anaerobic fermentation of spring fresh wild plants / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Possibilities for improvement of plant nutrient management in biogas plants in Latvia / Imants Plume
- Improvement of anaerobic fermentation of mechanically pretreated lignocellulosic biomass / Imants Plume, Vilis Dubrovskis, Matiss Klavins
- Biogas production from Latvian forest mushrooms / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Dagnis Dubrovskis
- Anaerobic fermentation of kitchen waste / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Studies of granules of various digestate and wood ash mixtures / Vilis Dubrovskis, Aleksandrs Adamovics, Imants Plume, Aivars Kakitis
- Kārklu biomasas priekšapstrāde anaerobās fermentācijas uzlabošanā = Pre-treatment of willow biomass to improve anaerobic fermentation / Matīss Kļaviņš, Imants Plūme
- Extraction of digestate from various raw materials and its mixtures with ash / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Aleksandrs Adamovics
- Anaerobic fermentation of cow manure and wheat straw in low voltage electric field / Imants Plume, Vilis Dubrovskis
- Biogas potential from underwood plants / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Dagnis Dubrovskis
- Digestate from co-fermentation of maize silage, energy beets and cucumber leaves and stalks / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, A. Adamovics
- Methane potential from household garden leaves / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Anaerobic co-digestion of cows manure, maizes silage, grass silage and flour, theoretical, laboratory scale and biogas plant yields / V. Dubrovskis, A. Adamovics, I. Plume, M. Valko
- Degradation of colored papers by anaerobic fermentation / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Effectiveness of low voltage electric field usage for anaerobic fermentation of manure, straw and paper dust / Imants Plume, Vilis Dubrovskis,
- Effectiveness of usage of straw and oak leave pellets for biogas production / Atis Klavins, Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Broiler house litter processing by anaerobic digestion using enzymes / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Use of enzyme alpha amylase to increase biogas yield from lucerne pellets and birch leaves pellets / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Use of ethanol production and stillage processing residues for biogas production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Anaerobic digestion of broad beans, maize silage and zephyr / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- The production of methane from the straw pellets with addition of enzymes / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Methane production potential from variety of unprinted papers / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- The production of methane from the straw pellets by adding enzymes / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Use of ethanol production and stillage processing residues for biogas production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Co-digestion of molasses with dry grain sweeps and birch leaves / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Anaerobic co-fermentation of molasses and oil with straw pellets / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Suitability of Common nettle (Urtica dioica) and Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) for methane production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Biogāzes ražošana Latvijā (2014.-2017. gads) : pārskats / darba autors Vilis Dubrovskis ; recenzenti: Dr.agr. Aleksandrs Adamovičs, Imants Plūme.
- Methane production from bread Kursu and potatoes Vineta waste and effect of catalyst metaferm / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Suitability of Common nettle (Urticadioica) and Canadian goldenrod (Solidagocanadensis) for methane production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Anaerobic co-fermentation of molasses and oil with straw pellets / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, I. Straume
- Anaerobic digestion of waste of coffee production and damaged sunflower seeds / Vilis Dubrovskis, Plūme Imants, Straume Indulis.
- Co-fermentation of carrots, grain residues and potato chips / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Investigations of biogas production potential from grass hay pellets / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Biogas from wastes of pumpkin, marrow and apple / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Methane production from stillage / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Suitability of oat bran for methane production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Biogas from wastes of pumpkin, marrow and apple / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Anaerobic digestion of energy beets / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, J. Vinters
- Enzymatic and catalystic enchancement of methane production from corn silage and grain residues / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Biogas potential from damaged bread / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Suitability of oat bran for methane production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Microalgae for biomethane production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Biogas production from sugar rich waste / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Biogas potential assessment from beer and sugar producing factories waste / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Biogas potential from residues of food processing factories / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Impact of melafen-metaferm additive on maize silage anaerobic digestion process / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Biogas production from sugar rich waste / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Microalgae for biomethane production / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Anaerobic digestion of vegetable processing wastes with catalyst metaferm and microelements / Vilis Dubrovskis, Vladimirs Kotelenecs, Imants Plume
- Anaerobic digestion of vegetables processing wastes with catalyst metaferm / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Biogas potential from freshwater algae / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Anaerobic digestion of vegetables processing wastes with catalyst metaferm / V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Biogas production potential from agricultural biomass and organic residues in Latvia / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Valters Kazulis, Arvids Celms, Vladimirs Kotelenecs, Eduards Zabarovskis
- Biogas purifying and upgrading technologies / Rolands Putnieks, Imants Plūme
- Biogāzes kvalitātes uzlabošana ar biomasas pelniem = Biogas upgrading with biomass bottom ashes / Rolands Putnieks, Imants Plūme
- GHG emissions from the usage of energy crops for biogas production / Imants Plūme, Vilis Dubrovskis, Benita Plūme
- Biogas production potential from agricultural biomass and organic residues in Latvia / Vilis Dubrovskis, Vladimirs Kotelenecs, Eduards Zabarovskis, Arvids Celms, Imants Plume
- Biogāzes ražošanas Latvijā potenciāls : projekts "Cilvēkresursu piesaiste atjaunojamo enerģijas avotu pētījumiem" / V. Dubrovskis, V. Koteļeņecs, E. Zabarovskis, I. Straume, I. Plūme, B. Plūme
- Biogāzes ražošanas procesa pētījumi = Investigations of biogas production processes / Vilis Dubrovskis, Vladimirs Koteļeņecs, Imants Plūme, Indulis Straume, Eduards Zabarovskis
- Specified evaluation of manure resources for production of biogas in planning region Latgale / Imants Plūme, Vilis Dubrovskis, Benita Plūme
- Biogas production from Galega orientalis Lam. and galega-grass biomass / A. Adamovics, V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, O. Adamovica
- Biogas production from greater burdock, largeleaf lupin and Sosnovsky cow parsnip / Vilis Dubrovskis, Aleksandrs Adamovics, Imants Plume, Vladimirs Kotelenecs, Eduards Zabarovskis
- Biogas yield from untraditional energy crops in Latvia / V. Dubrovskis, A. Adamovics, I. Plume
- Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Vladimirs Kotelenecs, Eduards Zabarovskis
- Biomethane yield from energy plants in Latvia / A. Adamovičs, V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Утилизация пищевых побочных продуктов и осадка для производства энергии и удобрений = Utilization of food byproducts and sludge for energy and fertilizer production / Вилис Дубровскис, Имантс Плюм, Бенита Плюм
- Производство биогаза из многолетних трав в Латвии = Biogas yield from perennial grasses in Latvia / Александрс Адамовикс, Виллис Дубровскис, Имантс Плюм, Владимирс Котеленекс
- Biogas production from fresh maize biomass / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Janis Bartusevics, Vladimirs Kotelenecs
- Biogas yield from energy crops in Latvia / A. Adamovičs, V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Investigation of biogas production from mink and cow manure / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Biogas production from energy grasses / A. Adamovics, V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Biogas production from reed canary grass and silage of mixed oats and barley / Vilis Dubrovskis, Aleksandrs Adamovics, Imants Plume
- Forecasting of GHG emissions from biomass energy usage in Latvia/ Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Investigation of biogas production from relatively dry biomass / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Vladimirs Kotelenecs, Indulis Straume
- Usage of fodder galega biomass for the biogas production / A. Adamovics, V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume, V. Auzins
- Elektrotehniskie materiāli : mācību metodiskais līdzeklis / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Tehniskā fakultāte. Lauksaimniecības enerģētikas institūts.
- Elektroiekārtu ekspluatācija un remonts : mācību metodiskais līdzeklis / Imants Plūme.
- Anaerobic digestion of cow and broiler manure / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Indulis Straume
- Galega biomass for biogas production / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plūme, Aleksandrs Adamovics, Valdis Auziņš, Indulis Straume
- Usage of fodder galega biomass for the biogas production / A. Adamovics, O. Adamovica, V. Dubrovskis, I. Plume
- Galega for fodder and biogas production / A. Adamovics, I. Plume, V. Dubrovskis
- Biogāzes ražošana no galegas un galegas skābsiena = Biogas production from galega and galega haylage / A. Adamovičs, V. Dubrovskis, I. Plūme
- Biogas production from energy crops in Latvia / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume, Aleksandrs Adamovics
- Galega for biogas production / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plume
- Biogas producing technologies in Latvia / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plūme, Indulis Straume, Andris Spīdāns
- Biogāzes ražošanas iespējas Latvijā = Facility of biogas production in Latvia / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plūme, Andris Spīdāns, Indulis Straume
- Anaerobic treatment of peat and sawdust / Vilis Dubrovskis, Imants Plūme, Indulis Straume, Andris Spīdāns
- Prakse - 4 : metodiskie norādījumi TF studentiem-praktikantiem profesionālajā bakalauru studiju programmā "lauksaimniecības enerģētika" : (ceturtajam prakses etapam) / sast. I. Plūme; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Tehniskā fakultāte. Lauksaimniecības enerģētikas institūts.
- Investigations in precision agriculture in Latvia soil tillage management / A. Vilde, D. Lapins, A. Berzins, J. Kopmanis, A. Plume ... [u.c.]
- Investigations in precision agriculture in Latvia / A. Vilde, D. Lapiņš, A. Bērziņš, A. Aizsilnieks, J. Kopmanis, , I. Plūme ... [u.c.]
- Mājsaimniecības atlikumu kompostēšana konteineros = Composting of household wastes in containers / I. Plūme, B. Plūme
- Biotehnoloģiju ētika un uztvere sabiedrībā / Imants Plūme
- Lake overgrowth removal technologies = Ezeru apauguma ieguves tehnoloģijas / I. Plūme, Ē. Kronbergs, A. Kaķītis
- Development of rural biomass resources / Ē. Kronbergs, A. Kaķitis, I. Plūme
- The influence of sowing technologies in the development and yield of spring barley / M. Ausmane, I. Plūme
- Pre-treatment of lake overgrowth = Ezeru apaugumu pirmapstrāde / I. Plūme
- Biomass resources in rural ecosystems / E. Kronbergs, A. Kakitis, I. Plume
- Noteču no organiskajiem mēsliem samazināšana / I. Plūme
- Augsnes apstrādes un sējas tehnoloģiju ietekme uz vasaras miežu "Ida" attīstību un ražu Saldus rajona z/s "Kaudzītes"/ A. Andersons, M. Ausmane, I. Plūme
- Niedru sakņu apauguma izmantošana / Ē. Kronbergs, I. Plūme, A. Kaķītis
- Investigations of reed biomass properties for composting / Plūme, Imants
- Biomasu enerģija un tās izmantošana lauku ekosistēmās / Ē.Kronbergs, I.Plūme, A.Kaķītis,
- Sapropeļa ieguves veidi / Ē.Kronbergs, A.Kaķītis, I.Plūme
- Heat balance for composting container / I.Plume, R.Selegovskis
- The ecosystem approach to agricultural ethics / E.Kronbergs, A.Skele, I.Ziemelis, I.Plume
- Kompostēšanas racionāla izmantošana = The rational application of composting / Ē.Kronbergs, I.Plūme
- Ar šķidrumu apsildāmu sivēnu grīdu paneļu pētījumi / I. Plūme, U. Iljins, I. Ziemelis
- Ilgtspējīgas tehnoloģijas lauksaimniecības ražošanas blakusproduktu uzkrāšanai un pārstrādei
- Biomass for energy and soil fertility / Ē.Kronbergs, A.Kaķitis, I.Plume
- Heat utilisation from aerobic composting of agricultural wastes / Imants Plūme
- Biomasu enerģija lauku ekosistēmās / Ē.Kronbergs, I.Plūme, A.Kaķītis
- Labas lauksaimniecības prakses (LLP) izstrāde Latvijai / P.Bušmanis, A.Kārkliņš, U.Osītis, I.Turka, V.Jansons, D.Lapiņš, R.Sudārs, J.Švarcbahs, I.Plūme, I.Dzalbe
- The heat balance for camera of aerobic composting of agricultural wastes
- Enerģijas patēriņa minimizācija sapropeļa ieguvē un mēslojuma iestrādē : grants Nr. 93.695 / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte ; zinātniskais vadītājs Ēriks Kronbergs.
- Farming situation and possibilities to implement the methods of sustainable agricultural production in Latvia / L.Skrastina, I.Plume, A.Andersons
- Vienkārša tehnoloģija sapropeļa ieguvei / Ē.Kronbergs, A.Kaķītis, I.Plūme
- Biomasu konversija enerģijas un mēslojuma ieguvei / Ē.Kronbergs, A.Kaķītis, I.Plūme