Natālija Sergejeva
Dr. math.Amati
- Doktorantūras skola - doktorantūras skolas vadītāja
- Matemātikas un fizikas institūts - profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P
10:30 - 12:30, 107. auditorija Pilī
izņemot 03.02., 07.04. Uzmanību: 10.martā konsultācija pārcelta uz 17:00 (telpa 107.) - T
18:00 - 20:00, 212.auditorija Pilī
iepriekš vienojoties būšu pieejama 26.02., 12.03., 26.03., 23.04., 07.05. - Pk
08:30 - 10:30, 212. auditorija Pilī
izņemot 21.02., 07.03., 04.04.
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Spectrum properties of the Fučík problem with nonlocal boundary condition / Sigita Urboniene, Natālija Sergejeva.
- Main factors for improving the effectiveness of mathematics studies / Anda Zeidmane, Natalija Sergejeva
- Factors influencing student initiative in effective mathematics studies at universities / Natalija Sergejeva, Anda Zeidmane
- Potential challenges and support mechanisms for students transitioning to university life / Liga Zvirgzdina, Anda Zeidmane, Natalija Sergejeva
- On some Fucik problem with one Bitsadze-Samarskii type nonlocal boundary condition / Natālija Sergejeva, Sigita Urbonienė
- Fučík spectrum for the problem with two-point nonlocal boundary condition / S. Urboniené, N. Sergejeva
- Distance teaching experiences of engineering lecturers at Latvian and Lithuanian universities during Covid-19 lockdown / Natālija Sergejeva, Judita Kasperiuniene
- Evaluation of meeting effectiveness for improvement of digital tools / Natalija Sergejeva, Julija Mangale, Kristaps Vergins
- The Fučík spectrum for the second order differential operators with the Robin and integral boundary conditions / N. Sergejeva, P. Nečesal, M. Pokorny
- On some Fučík type problem with nonlocal boundary condition = О некоторой задаче типа Фучика с нелокальным условием / N. Sergejeva
- Unification of technological parameters of grain logistics in corporations / Volodymyr Bulgakov, Valerii Adamchuk, Nataliia Sergeeva, Volodymyr Kolodiichuk, Vasyl Dmytriv, Semjons Ivanovs
- On Fučik spectrum for the problem with one nonlocal boundary condition / Natālija Sergejeva, S. Pečiulytė
- One of opportunities to reduce student dropouts / Aivars Aboltins, Svetlana Atslega, Natalija Sergejeva, Liene Strupule
- On Fučík type spectrum for problem with integral nonlocal boundary condition / Natālija Sergejeva, Sigita Pečilulytė
- On some Fučik type problem / Natālija Sergejeva.
- Mathematical knowledge in elementary school and for future engineers / Natalija Sergejeva, Aivars Aboltins, Liene Strupule, Baiba Aboltina
- On Fučík type spectrum for some problem with nonlocal integral boundary condition / N. Sergejeva, S. Pečiulytė
- On some nonsymmetric Fučík type spectra / N. Sergejeva
- The professional qualification development of teachers of mathematics in Latvia / Natalija Sergejeva, Vita Duka
- The Fučík spectrum for nonlocal BVP with sturm–liouville boundary condition / Natalija Sergejeva
- On solvability of the damped Fučík type problem with integral condition / Natalija Sergejeva
- The existence results for some nonlinear boundary value problem / N. Sergejeva
- Solvability of Fučík type BVP with nonlocal boundary condition / Natalija Sergejeva
- The existence results for some nonlinear boundary value problem / Natalija Sergejeva
- The regions of solvability for some three point problem / N. Sergejeva
- Indirect impact of mathematics in engineering education / Anda Zeidmane, Natalija Sergejeva
- Continuity in the teaching of mathematics at secondary and higher schools / Natālija Sergejeva
- On solvability of some boundary value problem / Natalija Sergejeva
- On the Fučík type problem with the integral and Neumann conditions = Par Fučíka tipa robežproblēmu ar integrālo un Neimana nosacījumiem = О задаче типа Фучика с интегральным условием и условием Неймана / N. Sergejeva