Raimunds Šeļegovskis
Dr. sc. ing.Amati
- Inženierzinātņu un informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte - studiju programmas direktors
- Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts - asociētais profesors; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P
14:30 - 15:30, J.Čakstes bulv. 5, 313.telpa
Ne vēlāk kā dienu iepriekš pieteikties uz konkrēto konsultāciju. - C
14:30 - 15:30, J.Čakstes bulv. 5, 313.telpa
Ne vēlāk kā dienu iepriekš pieteikties uz konkrēto konsultāciju.
Studiju kursi
- Lietišķā elektrotehnika
- Siltumtehnika
- Siltumzinību teorētiskie pamati II
- Siltumapgādes sistēmu projektēšana
- Bakalaura darbs
- Tehnoloģijas enerģētikā
- Elektrotehnikas pamati
- Siltumapgādes avoti
- Siltumzinību teorētiskie pamati I
- Siltumtehnika
- Siltumapgādes sistēmu projektēšana
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Modelling the electric bus charging network requirements for HVAC purposes / Aivars Rubenis, Raimunds Šeļegovskis, Aigars Laizāns, Leslie Robert Adrian
- Research and modeling of interior temperature regimes of city electric minibuses, which use a heating system with thermal batteries / Raimunds Selegovskis, Janis Galins, Ainars Galins
- Innovative frame wood constructions concept for high energy efficiency ecobuildings / Edmunds Visockis, Oskars Vitolins, Sandra Gusta, Raimunds Selegovskis
- Innovative frame wood constructions concept for high energy efficiency ecobuildings / Edmunds Visockis, Oskars Vitolins, Gusta, Sandra, Raimunds Selegovskis
- Influence of wood chip quality on boiler house efficiency / Agate Klavina, Raimunds Selegovskis
- Dynamics and analytics of public electric passenger minibus heating / Raimunds Selegovskis, Aigars Laizans, Janis Galins, Aivars Rubenis
- Hot domestic water consumption profile of multiapartment building and its dependency on external conditions / Raimunds Selegovskis, Janis Berzins, Edmunds Visockis
- Heating system solutions for the electric bus compartment using heat accumulation / Arvīds Majors, Raimunds Šeļegovskis
- Method for determining consumer heat energy demand profile using heat consumption data from previous periods / Raimunds Šeļegovskis, Jānis Bērziņš.
- Investigations of apartment house cellar microclimate and it’s improvement possibilities / Stanislavs Pleiksnis, Edmunds Visockis, Raimunds Šeļegovskis, Sandra Gusta
- Innovative flue gas heat absorption system for buildings with biomass fired boiler / Edmunds Visockis, Peteris Vucenlazdans, Raimunds Selegovskis
- Vertical flue gas heat absorption system with option for fuel drying / Edmunds Visockis, Pēteris Vucenlazdāns, Raimunds Šeļegovskis
- Energetic balance of autonomous hybrid renewable energy based EV charging station in winter conditions / V. Osadcuks, A. Pecka, R. Selegovskis
- Study of energetic balance of regenerative electric vehicle in a city driving cycle / Vitalijs Osadcuks, Aldis Pecka, Raimunds Selegovskis, Liene Kancevica
- Evaluation of study process in study program "Agricultural energetics" at Faculty of Engineering / Zane Beitere-Selegovska, Raimunds Selegovskis