Ruslans Šmigins
Dr. sc. ing.Amati
- Inženierzinātņu un informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte - dekāna p.i.
- Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts - asociētais profesors; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
- C
09:30 - 10:30, 19. telpa (Lielā iela 2)
*vēlams iepriekš pieteikties - Pk
09:30 - 10:30, 19. telpa (Lielā iela 2)
*vēlams iepriekš pieteikties
Studiju kursi
- Autoceļi un satiksmes vadība II
- Transporta specialitāte
- Pētījuma virziena speckurss lauksaimniecības inženierzinātnē
- Mašīnu remonts un drošums
- Bakalaura darbs
- Inženierdarba pamati
- Alternatīvās enerģijas spēkrati
- Spēkrati II
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Effect of hydrogen injection on performance and emissions of a light-duty diesel vehicle / K. Amatnieks, R. Šmigins, A. Birkavs
- Studies in systems of hydrogen admixtures for converted diesel engines / Sviatoslav Kryshtopa, Liudmyla Kryshtopa, Ruslans Šmigins, Volodymyr Korohodskyi, Ihor Zakhara, Mariia Hnyp, Yaroslav Demianchuk
- A study of heat recovery and hydrogen generation systems for methanol engines / Sviatoslav Kryshtopa, Ruslans Smigins, Liudmyla Kryshtopa
- Implementation of blended learning approach for tertiary level training on vehicle electrification / Theodoros Kosmanis, Krzysztof Górski, Dimitrios Tziourtzioumis, Przemysław Sander, Ruslans Smigins
- Data acquisition system for vehicle engine sensors: a review / Lauris Melders, Ruslans Smigins, Aivars Birkavs
- Increase of engine characteristics using alcohol conversion / Sviatoslav Kryshtopa, Liudmyla Kryshtopa, Ruslans Šmigins, Volodymyr Korohodskyi, Myroslav Panchuk, Igor Prunko
- Studies of engine performance and emissions at full-load mode using HVO, diesel fuel, and HVO5 / Ruslans Smigins, Kristaps Sondors, Vilnis Pirs, Ilmars Dukulis, Gints Birzietis
- Cycle-to-cycle variation of the combustion process in a diesel engine fueled with rapeseed oil-diethyl ether blends / Krzysztof Górski, Ruslans Smigins, Jonas Matijošius, Dimitrios Tziourtzioumis
- The programmable steering machine for the electric lightweight vehicle / Leszek Jemioł, Zbigniew Wołczyński, Alfredas Rimkus, Ruslans Smigins, Milena Górska, Mateusz Purtak
- Thermodynamic and NOx emission analysis of diesel engine with intake manifold steam injection / Karlis Amatnieks, Ruslans Smigins, Aivars Birkavs
- Hydroxy gas as an additive for improvement of exhaust emissions of internal combustion engines – a review / Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans Šmigins
- Studies on engine oil degradation characteristics in a field test with passenger cars / Ruslans Smigins, Karlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Krzysztof Górski, Sviatoslav Kryshtopa
- Using hydrogen reactors to improve the diesel engine performance / Sviatoslav Kryshtopa, Krzysztof Górski, Rafał Longwic, Ruslans Smigins, Liudmyla Kryshtopa, Jonas Matijošius
- Environmental aspects of a common rail diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel/diesel blends / Wincenty Lotko, Ruslans Smigins, Dimitrios Tziourtzioumis, Milena Górska
- Physicochemical properties of diethyl ether-sunflower oil blends and their impact on diesel engine emissions / Krzysztof Górski, Ruslans Smigins, Jonas Matijošius, Alfredas Rimkus, Rafał Longwic
- Increasing parameters of diesel engines by their transformation for methanol conversion products / Sviatoslav Kryshtopa, Krzysztof Górski, Rafał Longwic, Ruslans Smigins, Liudmyla Kryshtopa
- Impact of low level n-butanol and gasoline blends on engine performance and emission reduction / R. Šmigins, S. Kryshtopa, M. Pajak
- Effect of single-contact spark plug electrode gap on composition of engine exhaust emissions / Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans Smigins
- Composition and energy value research of pyrolise gases / S. Kryshtopa, L. Kryshtopa, M. V. Panchuk, R. Šmigins, B. Dolishnii
- A study of energy and environmental parameters of a diesel engine running on hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) with addition of biobutanol and castor oil / Gintaras Valeika, Jonas Matijošius, Krzysztof Górski, Alfredas Rimkus, Ruslans Smigins
- Dietilētera ietekme uz augu eļļas fizikāli – ķīmiskajām īpašībām = Effect of diethyl ether on vegetable oil physical – chemical properties Artūrs Zaķis, Ruslans Šmigins
- Investigation in fuel consumption of a hybrid and conventional vehicle / R. Šmigins, V. Pīrs, D. Berjoza
- Impact of diethyl ether/rapeseed oil blends on performance and emissions of a light-duty diesel vehicle / Šmigins, Ruslans, Zakis, Arturs
- Impact of diethyl ether/rapeseed oil blends on performance and emissions of a light-duty diesel vehicle / R. Šmigins, A. Zaķis
- Research on physico-chemical properties of diethyl ether/linseed oil blends for the use as fuel in diesel engines / Krzysztof Górski, Ruslans Smigins, Rafał Longwic
- Investigation in fuel consumption of a hybrid and conventional vehicle / R. Šmigins, V. Pīrs, D. Berjoza
- Variation in diesel engine glow plug heat-up parameters depending on duration of use / A. Birkavs, R. Šmigins
- Investigation of harmful chemical compounds from dual-fuelled diesel engine / Ruslans Smigins, Tomasz Skrzek, Milena Górska, Grzegorz Pawlak
- Selected physicochemical properties of diethyl ether/rapeseed oil blends and their impact on diesel engine smoke opacit / Gorski, Krzysztof, Smigins, Ruslans
- Experimental research on compatibility of mineral and biobased hydraulic oils / A. Birkavs, R. Smigins
- An assessment of stratification of exhaust gases from gasoline and diesel engine / A. Birkavs, R. Smigins
- Experimental research on compatibility of mineral and biobased hydraulic oils / A. Birkavs, R. Smigins
- Diethyl ether/vegetable oil blends for the use in diesel engine / Artūrs Zaķis, Ruslans Šmigins
- An assessment of stratification of exhaust gases from gasoline and diesel engine / A. Birkavs, R. Smigins
- Perspectives of low level ethanol and biodiesel/diesel fuel blends on diesel engine emission reduction / R. Smigins
- Transporta izmantošana atkritumu loģistikas realizācijā un transporta loģistika pilsētā / Ruslans Šmigins
- Experimental evaluation of low level bioethanol-gasoline blends on engine performance and emissions = Zemas koncentrācijas bioetanola-benzīna maisījumu ietekmes uz motora darbību un emisijām eksperimentālais izvērtējums / R. Smigins
- Comparative analysis of selected combustion parameters in the diesel engine powered with biodiesel - ethanol blends = Analiza porównawcza wybranych parametrów procesu spalania w silniku diesla zasilanym mieszaninami biodiesla i etanolu / Krzysztof Górski, Ruslans Smigins, Rafał Longwic
- Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with bioethanol-biodiesel blends / Raitis Rudbahs, Ruslans Šmigins
- Experimental research on biodiesel compatibility with fuel system elastomers / Raitis Rudbahs, Ruslans Smigins
- Biofuels in transport sector of Latvia: experience, current status and barriers = Biodegvielas transporta sektorā Latvijā: pieredze, patreizējā situācija un barjeras / R. Smigins, P. Shipkovs
- Investigation of daily covering material for biocells = Biošūnu ikdienas pārklājumu izpēte / R. Bendere, R. Smigins, O. Medne, L. Berzina- Cimdina, K. Rugele
- Impact of ETBE fraction in diesel oil on combustion process and smoke emission / K. Górski, R. Šmigins
- Analysis of complex technology for vehicle fueling with biomethane = Kompleksas tehnoloģijas spēkrata uzpildīšanai ar biometānu analīze / A. Safronov, Y. Gelfgat, R. Šmigins
- Optimization and research of technological parameters of shut-off device of biomethane gas-filling system = Optimizacija i ispitivanje tehnoloških parametara uređaja za isključenje gasnog sistema za punjenje biometana / Aleksey Safronov, Yuri Gelfgat, Ruslans Smigins
- Bioreactor cells as waste pre-treatment method – starting statements, maintenance, final recovery and landfilling / Ruta Bendere, Ruslans Smigins, Dace Arina, Inara Teibe
- Comparison of model calculations and experimental results of diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel / Ruslans Smigins, Aivars Aboltins
- Biodīzeļdegvielas ietekme uz motora darba parametriem : promocijas darbs zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai / Ruslans Šmigins ; [zinātniskie vadītāji: Vilnis Gulbis, Gunārs Vērdiņš] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Tehniskā fakultāte. Spēkratu institūts.
- Biodīzeļdegvielas ietekme uz motora darba parametriem : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai / Ruslans Šmigins ; [zinātniskie vadītāji: Vilnis Gulbis, Gunārs Vērdiņš] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Tehniskā fakultāte. Spēkratu institūts = Impact of biodiesel on working parameters of the engine : promotion paper summary for acquaring the doctor's degree in engineering sciences / Ruslans Šmigins ; [scientific advisors of the research: Vinis Gulbis, Gunārs Vērdiņš] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Motor vehicle institute.