Uldis Gross
Dr. phys.Amats
- Matemātikas un fizikas institūts - asociētais profesors; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P
14:00 - 15:00, Pilī 307. telpa
Pēc vienošanā e- pastā Tikai nepāra nedēļās - O
14:00 - 15:00, Pilī 307. kabinets
Pēc vienošanās e- pastā Pāra nedēļās -
16:00 - 17:00, Pilī 307. telpa
Pēc vienošanā e- pastā Tikai pāra nedēļās
14:00 - 15:00, Pilī 307. kabinets
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Jauni risinājumi krūmcidoniju (Chaenomeles japonica) audzēšanā un pārstrādē = The new solutions in growing and processing of quince (Chaenomeles japonica) / Edīte Kaufmane, Dalija Segliņa, Inta Krasnova, Viesturs Berķis, Uldis Gross, Māris Jansons
- Particleboard creation from agricultural waste residue of seed hemp / Kristaps Zvirgzds, Edgars Kirilovs, Silvija Kukle, Inga Zotova, Ilze Gudro, Uldis Gross
- Investigations in multiglass window thermal qualities / Edmunds Visockis, Raimunds Selegovskis, Uldis Gross, Stanislavs Pleiksnis
- Koksnes blakusproduktu izmantošana inovatīva kompozītmateriāla izgatavošanā un tā siltumvadītspejas koeficienta noteikšana = Timber by-products as a source for innovative composite material production and its thermal conductivity value determination / Guna Aire, Ilmārs Preikšs, Uldis Gross
- Mechanical properties of wood-geopolymer composite / Andris Berzins, Andris Morozovs, Uldis Gross, Janis Iejavs
- Influence of thermal properties of architectural glass on energy efficiency of sustainable buildings / Sandra Gusta, Silvija Strausa, Uldis Gross
- Lightweight composite building materials with hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) additives / Raitis Brencis, Staņislavs Pleiksnis, Juris Skujāns, Aleksandrs Adamovičs, Uldis Gross.
- Stikloto konstrukciju stikla pakešu siltumcaurlaidības koeficienta atkarība no novietojuma leņķa = Glass construction glass package thermal coefficient dependence on the location angle / Toms Skujiņš, Silvija Štrausa, Uldis Gross
- Use of tree leaves-lime mixture for building insulation / Edmunds Visockis, Stanislavs Pleiksnis, Uldis Gross, Gotfrids Noviks
- Practical use of solar collector integrated in combined heating system / Ilze Pelece, Uldis Gross
- Research in heat transfer process during freezing berries / Ilze Beitane, Aivars Aboltins, Anita Blija, Uldis Gross, Sigita Boca, Imants Skrupskis
- Research on fire safety parameters on foam gypsum products / Kristaps Pulkis, Uldis Iljins, Juris Skujans, Uldis Gross
- Siltumenerģijas patēriņš publiskās ēkās : promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu doktora (Dr.sc.ing.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai = Thermal energy consumption in public buildings : summary of the doctoral thesis for the scientific degree of Dr.sc.ing. / Ēriks Krūmiņš ; [promocijas darba zinātniskais vadītājs Arturs Lešinskis ; oficiālie recenzenti: Uldis Gross, Hendrik Voll, Andris Jakovičs] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauku inženieru fakultāte. Arhitektūras un būvniecības katedra.
- Structural changes of apple dessert during storage / S. Boca, I. Murniece, D. Klava, U. Gross, I. Skrupskis
- Experimental research of foam gypsum drying process / Uldis Iljins, Uldis Gross, Antons Gajevskis, Juris Skujans, Raitis Brencis
- Research of foam gypsum drying process and heat flow transfer / Raitis Brencis, Uldis Iljins, Juris Skujans, Uldis Gross
- Peculiarities of heat flows of insulation constructions in buildings with cold underground / Uldis Iljins, Uldis Gross, Juris Skujāns
- Peculiarities of heat flow of insulation constructions in buildings with cold underground = Siltuma plūsmu īpatnības ēku ar auksto pagrīdi norobežojošās konstrukcijās / Uldis Iljins, Uldis Gross, Juris Skujans
- Heat-mass transfer in layer of berries during freezing process / A. Aboltins, S. Boca, R. Galoburda, U. Gross, I. Skrupskis
- In situ detection of atomic and molecular iodine using Resonance and Off-Resonance Fluorescence by Lamp Excitation: ROFLEX / J. C. Gómez Martín, J. Blahins, U. Gross, T. Ingham, A. Goddard, A. S. Mahajan, A. Ubelis, A. Saiz-Lopez
- Thermal analysis of overground bound constructions / Sandris Liepins, Silvija Strausa, Uldis Iljins, Uldis Gross
- Thermal analysis of overground bound constructions / Sandris Liepins, Silvija Strausa, Uldis Iljins, Uldis Gross
- Quality investigation of whipped redcurrant and blackcurrant mass / Sigita Boča, Jānis Prēdajs, Uldis Gross, Imants Skrupskis
- Experimental research of foam gypsum acoustic absorption and heat flow / Juris Skujans, Uldis Iljins, Imants Ziemelis, Uldis Gross, Normunds Ositis, Raitis Brencis, Andris Veinbergs, Olegs Kukuts
- Stabilized source of VUV-spectra for a novel measuring device of iodine concentrations in atmosphere and computer models of its development / Uldis Gross, Janis Blahins, Juan Carlos Gomez Martin, Arnolds Ubelis
- The research of heat transfer process during freezing of berries and fruits / I. Skrupskis, U. Gross, A. Aboltins, V. Rozenbergs
- Heat transfer process investigation in frozen berries with changing storage temperature / S. Boca, A. Aboltins, I. Skrupskis, U. Gross, R. Ziedins
- Theoretical and experimental research on foam gypsum drying process / Uldis Iljins, Juris Skujans, Imants Ziemelis, Uldis Gross, Andris Veinbergs
- Application of some electrode systems for local measurements with conduct-metrical method / Uldis Iljins, Juris Skujans, Imants Ziemelis, Uldis Gross
- Investigation of moisture diffusion in foam-gypsum samples / U. Iljins, J. Skujans, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross
- The research of heat transfer process during freezing of berries / Imants Atis Skrupskis, Uldis Gross, Martins Rucins, Aivars Aboltins
- Studies of UV-transmission and solarization effects in optical fibre materials and fibre samples / A. Truhins, U. Rogulis, L. Skuja, U. Gross
- Application of some electrode systems for local measurements with conduct-metrical method / Uldis Iljins, Juris Skujans, Imants Ziemelis, Uldis Gross