Svetlana Atslēga
Dr. math.Amats
- Matemātikas un fizikas institūts - asociētā profesore; institūta direktore
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P
- 08:30 - 10:30, 217. auditorija vai 215. kab.
- 10:30 - 12:30, 217. auditorija vai 215. kab.
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- On mathematical models of artificial neural networks / Inna Samuilik, Felix Sadyrbaev, Svetlana Atslega
- On Mathematical Models of Ariticial Neural Networks / Svetlana Atslēga, Inna Samuilik, Felix Sadyrbaev.
- On the period-amplitude relation by reduction to Liénard quadratic equation / Svetlana Atslēga, Felix Sadyrbaev
- Challenges and difficulties of teaching mathematics in Latvian universities during COVID-19 / Natālija Sergejeva, Svetlana Atslēga, Aivars Āboltiņš
- Problems and solutions of acquiring mathematical knowledge at university during Covid-19 crisis / Natālija Sergejeva, Svetlana Atslēga, Aivars Āboltiņš
- On modelling of complex networks / Svetlana Atslega, Felix Sadyrbaev, Inna Samuilik
- A remark on attracting sets in genetic regulatory networks / Felix Sadyrbaev, Svetlana Atslēga
- On modelling of artificial networks arising in applications / Svetlana Atslega, Felix Sadyrbaev
- Dynamical models of interrelation in a class of artificial networks / Felix Sadyrbaev, Svetlana Atslega, Eduard Brokan.
- Importance of theoretical knowledge in mathematics studies in engineering programs / Anda Zeidmane, Svetlana Atslega
- On limit cycles in period annuli / Svetlana Atslega
- On limit cycles in liénard type equations / Svetlana Atslega
- Correlation between learning process during the semester and exam results in mathematics / Svetlana Atslega, Anda Zeidmane
- Contemporary teaching and learning process in mathematics using mathematical software / Svetlana Atslega, Anda Zeidmane
- Limit cycles generated in polynomial Hamiltonian systems / Svetlana Atslega
- On periodic solutions of Liénard type equations / Svetlana Atslega, Felix Sadyrbaev
- The comparing MathCad and Wolfram Alpha in the process of integration of some functions / Svetlana Atslēga, Anda Zeidmane
- On existence of multiple limit cycles in Hamiltonian systems / Svetlana Atslega, Felix Sadyrbaev
- Integration of some rational and irrational functions using software "Mathcad"/ Olga Panova, Svetlana Atslega
- On MathCad application in the mathematics courses for engineers / Svetlana Atslega
- Limit cycle in the Fučik equation / Svetlana Atslega
- The role of computer in the process of integration of some functions / S. Atslega, O. Panova
- Period annuli in the Lienard type equation / S. Atslega, F. Sadyrbaev
- Multiple solutions of the second order nonlinear Neumann BVP / F. Sadyrbaev, S. Atslega
- On solutions of Lienard type equations / Svetlana Atslēga
- On solutions of Liénard type equation x"+ f(x)x'2 + g(x) = 0 with polynomial coefficients / Svetlana Atslēga
- On solutions of Neumann boundary value problem for the Liénard type equation / Svetlana Atslēga