Tatjana Rubina
Dr. sc. ing.Amats
- Datoru sistēmu un datu zinātnes institūts - asociētā profesore; institūta direktore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O
16:00 - 18:00, 33.kab. vai tiešsaistē, izmantojot BBB
Divas dienas iepriekš piesakoties pa e-pastu
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- A flexible model for enterprise document capturing automation / J. Rāts, I. Pede, T. Rubina, G. Vītols
- Possibilities for applying open data in Latvia / Rolands Avisans, Tatjana Rubina
- A machine learning based framework for enterprise document classification / Juris Rāts, Inguna Pede, Tatjana Rubina, Gatis Vītols
- The contribution of mathematics to the engineering education in the students' assessment / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Evaluation of students' learning skills in mathematics at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies in sustainable development context / A. Zeidmane, T. Rubina
- Sustainable mathematics education aspects for specialits for agronomy / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Study of drying and rehydration kinetics of carrot cylinders / Tatjana Rubina, Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Egle Jotautiene
- Shrinkage effect on diffusion coefficient during carrot drying / A. Aboltins, T. Rubina, J. Palabinskis
- Shrinkage effect on diffusion coefficient during carrot drying / A. Aboltins, T. Rubina, J. Palabinskis
- Problems in development of problem solving skills of studying mathematics at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Causes of failures in mathematics by engineering students at Latvia University of Agriculture / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Modelling of heatwave transfer process / Toms Siemaškēvičs, Tatjana Rubina
- Diffusion coefficient estimation difficulties at the beginning of drying experiment / Aivars Aboltins, Tatjana Rubina, Egle Jotautiene
- Student - related factor for dropping out in the first year of studies at LLU engineering programmes / Anda Zeidmane, Tatjana Rubina
- Carrot slices thickness and temperature influence on the high temperature drying dynamics / Aivars Aboltins,Tatjana Rubina, Janis Palabinskis, Egle Jotautiene
- IT application in research of drying process / Tatjana Rubina
- Potatoes drying dynamics research / Tatjana Rubina, Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Algirdas Jasinskas
- Neviendabīga svarīguma bioķīmisko tīklu struktūras evolūcijas datormodelēšana : promocijas darba kopsavilkums doktora grāda ieguvei Informācijas tehnoloģiju nozarē (Dr.sc.ing.) / Tatjana Rubina ; [promocijas darba zinātniskais vadītājs: Egils Stalidzāns] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte. Datoru sistēmu katedra = Structure evolution computer modelling of biochemical networks of non-coherent importance : summary of the Doctoral thesis for the scientific degree Dr.sc.ing. / Tatjana Rubine ; [scientific asdviser of the doctoral thesis: Egils Stalidzans] ; Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Information Technologies. Department of Computer Systems.
- Analytical and numerical solving of differential equation using MATLAB / Tatjana Rubina
- Agreement assessment of biochemical pathway models by structural analysis of their intersection / Tatjana Rubina, Martins Mednis, Egils Stalidzans
- BINESA — A software tool for evolution modelling of biochemical networks' structure / Tatjana Rubina, Egils Stalidzans
- Neviendabīga svarīguma bioķīmisko tīklu struktūras evolūcijas datormodelēšana : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora grāda ieguvei informācijas tehnoloģijās / Tatjana Rubina ; promocijas darba zinātniskais vadītājs Egils Stalidzāns ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte. Datoru sistēmu katedra.
- The procedure of evolution modelling of biochemical networks structure / Tatjana Rubina
- Evolution of alternative control loops of biological systems / Tatjana Rubina, Egils Stalidzans
- Research data analysis and visualization in MATLAB using mathematic modeling methods / Tatjana Rubina
- MathCad implementation for improvement of numerical methods studies / Tatjana Rubina
- Tools for analysis of biochemical network topology / Tatjana Rubina
- Evolution modeling algorithm of biochemical networks / Tatjana Rubina, Egils Stalidzans
- Structural model of biochemical network of Zymomonas mobilis adaptation for glycerol conversion into bioethanol / Ilona Odzina, Tatjana Rubina, Reinis Rutkis, Uldis Kalnenieks, Egils Stalidzans
- Software tools for structure analysis of biochemical networks / Tatjana Rubina, Egils Stalidzans
- Topological features and parameters of biochemical network structures / Tatjana Rubina, Egils Stalidzans
- Applications of biochemical networks discovering control mechanisms in systems biology / Tatjana Rubina, Valters Brusbardis, Egils Stalidzāns
- Raksturojošās kontaktleņķa vērtības un virsmas enerģijas noteikšana koksnei = Determination of the characteristic value of the contact angle and surface energy for wood / Tatjana Rubina, Egils Stalidzāns, Fredijs Dimiņš, Pēteris Kūka, Andris Morozovs