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Information technologies

IT solutions, mathematical modeling and statistics laboratory


Aleksejs ZacepinsAleksejs Zacepins

Address: Liela street 2, Jelgava palace, Jelgava city, room 307

Phone: +371 63005701


Equipment of the lab is used to develop ICT solutions, mathematical models and data processing for the fields mainly of agriculture, forestry and environment.

Offered services

  • IT solution development for precision beekeeping (temperature, weight sensing for bees).
  • Arduino and Raspbery Pi based solution development for precision agriculture, identification of environment parameters and monitoring.
  • IT solution development for remote data collection and processing.
  • Web solutions development for data visualisation.
  • Data processing with R
  • Forming mathematical models, simulations and process modelling.
  • Software quality assurance laboratory

Software Quality Assurance Laboratory


Gatis VītolsGatis Vitols

Address: Liela street 2, Jelgava palace, Jelgava city, room 19

Phone: +371 20230842


Equipment of the lab is used to ensure that quality aspects of software development are used through whole life cycle of software development.

Offered services

  • Software testing
  • Automated testing solutions and strategies
  • Eye tracking solutions
  • Testing of various interfaces, such as VR, augmented reality, etc.

Heat and moisture transfer process research laboratory


Uldis GrossUldis Gross

Address: Liela street 2, Jelgava palace, Jelgava city, room 307

Phone: +371 63005675


Laboratory equipment allow to perform research in field of heat and moisture transfer focusing on problems of building material drying, innovation in construction materials and heat and moisture transfer of food items. Equipment and skills also allow to perform research and development of solutions for solar energy management.

Virtual and Mixed Reality Lab


Gatis VītolsGatis Vitols

Address: Liela street 2, Jelgava palace, Jelgava city, room 19

Phone: +371 20230842


In 2022, a new virtual and mixed reality laboratory was opened at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, which has no similar in Latvian universities. It significantly adds to the opportunities available to students in Jelgava in learning the latest IT solutions, as well as enables the implementation of research that foresees the development of augmented and virtual reality applications. The laboratory is arranged as a computer classroom with seven student workplaces and one teaching staff workplace.